Your Christmas shopping woes solved! Give the gift that keeps on giving with a Sunrise Gift Certificate. If you would like to purchase a gift certificate - contact us.
Through the generosity of donors our endowments are now at $7. 7 million, and since 2014 we have distributed $1,338,500 million in grants to charitable causes throughout Tairāwhiti.
For many years Leslynne has been a key member of our Sunrise grants committee, sharing her in-depth awareness and understanding of Tairāwhiti.
“ECMoT is a true nostalgic diamond in disguise, a perfectly imperfect museum that brings stories from past to present life for people to share and enjoy,” says Harrison Hill, committee…
Locally owned and operated Skindeep Clinic donates $50 a week through regular giving to Sunrise’s General fund as a way of ‘giving back’.
As well as growing endowments, Sunrise is focused on giving back to the community. We support a diverse range of groups and organisations with grants given out annually.
The past year in Tairāwhiti has been incredibly stressful and challenging for some people, with concerns about mental health a common theme in our community.
Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) is part of the world’s largest volunteering network, providing tamariki with a mentor for an hour a week.