Leave a lasting legacy

Whether it's a percentage of your estate, a specified amount, or what's left after all of your other commitments are taken care of - it's up to you!

Learn more about your options with our downloadable information pack. Don't hesitate to give us a call to discuss the various options so something can be tailored to suit your needs and wishes. 

We also recommend you seek advice from your lawyer.

In memory of Karen "Holly" Hollamby

Being diagnosed with Stage 4 terminal breast cancer prompted Karen “Holly” Hollamby to amend her will, leaving a percentage of her estate to Sunrise as her way of ‘giving back’ to the community she loved.

“I like the idea something of me will continue in this community, giving forever to those who really need it. I hope my story will encourage others to consider doing the same," says Holly. 

Read Holly's full story here.

Les McGreevy (1942-2019)

Les McGreevy was a regular Sunrise donor before he passed away. He had supported many groups in this community for years. His bequest will continue this legacy.

Les specified that his bequest would be available to meet the greatest needs in our community. Every year our experienced grants committee determines which groups or organisations will benefit from Les McGreevy's fund.

Read more about Les McGreevy here.

In memory of Norman MacLean

Sunrise Foundation’s Arts Endowment Fund received a $20,000 boost thanks to a bequest from well-known creative community stalwart and secondary school teacher Norman MacLean 

“My brother was not only passionate about the arts, he was passionate about encouraging others, especially young people, to take part. As an artist, teacher, and director, he inspired many people to challenge themselves artistically, and by supporting Sunrise Foundation, he continues to do so,” says Coralie Hunter, Norman’s sister. 

Read Norman's full story here.

In memory of Bob and Aileen Harris

Bob and Aileen Harris were salt of the earth rural folk who worked hard for what they achieved. 

Bob and Aileen gifted $1.38 million to Sunrise in their will, our largest bequest to date. They wanted the capital to stay intact and grow, so their hard work could benefit their local community forever. 

Read more about Bob and Aileen Harris here.