The donations and bequests you make to Sunrise are invested forever. Every year some of the investment income is retained to ensure your gift grows in line with inflation and is protected from market fluctuations. The balance of the income from investments is distributed to worthy causes throughout Tairāwhiti-Gisborne each and every year, forever.

It’s hard to imagine what those needs will be in the future and they could change drastically over time. We've all seen how much society has changed and how quickly it is still changing. The beauty of the General Fund is that it will always be flexible to respond to those changes as and when they happen. 

We have an annual funding round where we invite local charities, organisations and worthy causes to apply for funding from the General Fund. Our funding round is open to any cause or organisation with a charitable purpose in the Tairāwhiti-Gisborne District. All applications are assessed by the Sunrise Grants Committee.

This ensures we support those with immediate needs - the most needy right now – whoever they may be and whenever their need arises.  Whether that’s this year, in 20 years, 100 years or more from now.

When you donate to the General Fund you are supporting those in need now and those in need in the future.

Donate now to the General Fund

Every donation you make to Sunrise is invested, protected and grown, meaning your generosity will support our communities needs forever.