Supporting your community

Donate now

Every donation you make to Sunrise is invested, protected and grown, meaning your generosity will support our communities needs forever.

Support the causes you care about

Donations may be added to the General Fund or to one of our special interest funds - the choice is yours.

To pay by internet banking scroll down and follow the prompts. Be sure to complete the details, including which fund you would like to support with your donation. 

Thank you for joining us as a donor, helping to create a more equitable, vibrant Tairāwhiti for all.

Donate to the general fund

The donations and bequests you make to Sunrise are invested forever. Every year some of the investment income is retained to ensure your gift grows in line with inflation and is protected from market fluctuations. The balance of the income from investments is distributed to worthy causes throughout Tairāwhiti-Gisborne each and every year, forever.

It’s hard to imagine what those needs will be in the future and they could change drastically over time. We've all seen how much society has changed and how quickly it is still changing. The beauty of the General Fund is that it will always be flexible to respond to those changes as and when they happen. The Sunrise General Fund will adapt to meet our communities needs as they change.


Donate now using a credit card on our instant donation form, or read further (below) for alternative ways to make a donation.

Alternate ways to donate

Pay by internet banking

You can pay directly into our bank account the details are below

The Sunrise Foundation Trust Account
02 0644 0217280 01


Please fill in the form opposite to ensure we know which cause you would like your donation to support.

Once you have filled in the form you will receive an email with the banking details and a reference code to use with your deposit.


Regular automatic payments

Once you have set up your automatic payment please fill in the form opposite to ensure we know which cause you would like your donation to support. We will send you a tax receipt at the end of the financial year. Please include your name, email address and phone number. 

Read more about regular giving

If you need advice or assistance please contact us to discuss your options. It is important to us that we tailor this to work for you.

Click here to email Glenda or call her on 06 867 7939

Donation Form

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