Breaking down barriers through boxing 

Patu Tahi Boxing Club were thrilled to receive a $3000 grant from Sunrise’s General fund to support their operating costs, enabling them to continue providing a nurturing and empowering environment for their young athletes to foster personal growth, discipline, and resilience.
Competitive amateur boxer Khadyn Kahukiwa spars with volunteer coach Rob Kora during a Patu Tahi Boxing Club training session.

“Our club is run by six volunteer coaches and is a safe space for kids. We have high discipline and are consistent in what’s expected of them,” says Kylie Kahukiwa, coach. 

As the only registered club in Tairāwhiti coaching amateur boxing, competitive members of the club are required to travel long distances both nationally and internationally to compete at a high level which can be financially challenging for many of the families. 

“It requires a lot of fundraising and support for our competitive kids to travel and compete,” says Kim-Maree Larby, head coach. “Thanks to funders such as Sunrise who have helped us keep the lights on, we can then put our money into helping the kids.”

With trainings on offer three times per week, Patu Tahi Boxing Club cater to varying levels of fitness and ability where more than 100 competitive and non-competitive members aged between 6-16 years old attend.  

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