Paint Tairāwhiti orange for Sunrise Week!

It’s hard to believe, but in November it’s ten years since The Sunrise Foundation launched. Instead of celebrating our 10th birthday for just one day we’re going to celebrate for a week and we’d love for you all to be involved. In whatever way you feel appropriate, together let’s ‘paint Tairāwhiti orange’ for Sunrise Week, 2-8 November 2024.
Lynda Blackburne, Glenda Stokes and Janine McDiarmid from Sunrise Foundation are excited to 'paint Tairāwhiti orange' for the inaugural Sunrise Week in November.

At Sunrise we always dare to dream BIG.

As part of our birthday celebrations, our dream is 10 for 10.  $10 million for 10 years!  We currently have $8.2 million in funds invested, so to turn our 10 for 10 dream into reality we’d love your help. All funds invested stay local, benefitting worthy local causes both now and for future generations. 

To get involved in Sunrise Week the possibilities are endless – pick a day to host an orange themed morning or afternoon tea, orange cocktails with friends, orange mufti day at work or school, decorate orange, orange, orange! (And no, you don’t have to dress as a road cone to be involved!) 

At your event, whether it’s two people or twenty, support Sunrise with a one-off donation/koha, or better yet, become a regular donor through our Regular or Workplace Giving schemes by donating from as little as $5 per week. 

If you’d like to be involved, email  to register your intentions and she will get back to you with helpful information. No event or donation is too large or small – everything helps get us closer to achieving our dream for the community.

10 for 10, let’s do it together Tairāwhiti! 

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