Answering your questions

See below a list of commonly asked questions about Sunrise Foundation

General questions

Community foundations — like Sunrise Foundation — are local, independent, and not-for-profit. They run a well proven model of place-based philanthropy which is growing in popularity world-wide. Sunrise Foundation is one of 18 community foundations across New Zealand and more than 1800 internationally.

Sunrise Foundation is about bringing people together to make a lasting difference in local communities throughout our region.

We do this by connecting generous local donors with the people, projects and charitable causes making a real difference in Tairāwhiti.

A key point of difference is that the funding streams we create will last indefinitely. Our smarter funding model leaves capital to grow while the income it earns is used for granting. Because we protect your initial gift, it can continue to generate income for local causes indefinitely.

Sunrise Foundation is governed by a voluntary Board of nine Trustees. We also have a Grants Committee and Investment Committee comprised of Trustees and community volunteers.

There are currently three part -time staff members. 

Sunrise Foundation currently manages over $8 million dollars of charitable donations. These are split into a variety of different Funds — each set up by a group or individual with a specific purpose.

We currently have over 50 different special interest funds  and 7 named funds