“After our home was flooded it was small community groups like Sunrise that were there when we needed it and that meant a lot.
After more than 50 years, Poverty Bay Antique Society Inc (PBAS) will soon disband, opting to transfer their remaining cash to Sunrise Foundation to benefit the Sunshine Service Endowment Fund.
A $3000 grant from Sunrise’s General fund was awarded to the Endangered Species Foundation, supporting their ngutukākā project which aims to revive a taonga species that once made the whole…
It’s hard to believe, but in November it’s ten years since The Sunrise Foundation launched. Instead of celebrating our 10th birthday for just one day we’re going to celebrate for a week and we’d love for you all to be involved.
After Cyclone Gabrielle numerous businesses and groups reached out to us at Sunrise to fund on their behalf, confident we would understand where the greatest need in our community was.
We’ve had so much happening behind the scenes at Sunrise lately which is super exciting.
The Sunrise Foundation understands that every organisation needs various kinds of support to grow and give back to the community.
As a Gisborne nurse for over 35 years and a 3rd generation local, Holly says knowing that her donation will stay local is important.