Sunrise Snapshots

Coffee and a chat at the beach 

The Gisborne Caravan Club recently took us up on our offer of ‘coffee and a chat,’ inviting us to meet with them at Makorori Beach. We talked with them about Sunrise and answered lots of questions, whilst being treated to the best BBQ pikelets we’ve ever had! If your club, business, or organisation would like to meet with us, please get in touch.

Matapuna Training Centre grateful for grant  

Matapuna Training Centre will put their Sunrise grant towards kitchen improvements so they can continue providing daily onsite catering for breakfast, morning tea and lunch. By offering and promoting healthy foods, Matapuna hopes to positively impact their students' academic success. 

What a generous community we have!  

Whether you donate $5 per week through regular giving or prefer a larger lump sum donation – every little bit really does make a difference, and we thank you for your generosity. From 1 April ‘22 through to 31 March ‘23 we had over $1.1 million donated, bringing total funds invested to over $7 million. Ngā mihi nui! 



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Kath Kitchen joins Sunrise as voluntary trustee

Kath Kitchen joins Sunrise as voluntary trustee

13 February 2025

Kath Kitchen, Sunrise's most recently elected trustee joins a dedicated team of eight trustees under the leadership of Rob Dymock.

Socks for sale!

Socks for sale!

13 February 2025

A new sock collaboration with Tairāwhiti Multicultural Council (TMC) to benefit Sunrise's General fund was launched this year. At just $5 a pair, they're a bargain!
