A helping hand after Cyclone Gabrielle 

A grant from the Hearing Assistance fund held with Sunrise enabled a retired local pensioner to replace both of his hearing aids lost in Cyclone Gabrielle.

The gentleman, who would like to remain anonymous, lost everything he owned during the cyclone and without his hearing aids it became difficult for him to communicate with others. Understandably, this caused him a lot of anxiety and coping with daily life became more challenging.  How to proceed in replacing his possessions became overwhelming and even daily activities such as watching TV became something he was no longer able to enjoy. 

Receiving a grant from Sunrise’s Hearing Assistance fund to replace both hearing aids helped alleviate a small part of the stress he was dealing with. 

Being able to hear again and converse with others meant he could then begin rebuilding his life in the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle. 

The Hearing Assistance fund was established after the Gisborne Hearing Association closed in 2016 after nearly 70 years advocating for and assisting those with hearing impairments. The residual funds were used to seed the endowment fund with Sunrise to ensure those with hearing impairments in Tairāwhiti will be supported forever. 

Individuals who are hearing impaired and organisations that are involved in education or projects which help hearing impaired people, can apply for financial assistance from the Hearing Assistance fund throughout the year. A maximum of $1000 per ear is available for successful applicants. Learn more about our funding guidelines and application here


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