Community engagement during the first ever Sunrise Week in November exceeded our expectations, leaving us excited and already planning for this year. When a local shop assistant was overheard saying, “You’re definitely not the first person in here looking for orange clothes this week,” it made our hearts sing!
For those of you who donated, hosted, or participated in some way over Sunrise Week, thank you.
As a team we set an ambitious goal for Sunrise Week to achieve $10 million by our 10th birthday. Funds under management were valued at $8.2 million at the end of March 2024, and we are delighted to report that our latest valuation has funds under management at $10 million, meaning growth of almost $2 million over the fiscal year.
Together, we did it Tairāwhiti – we achieved our goal of $10 million in 10 years!
Sunrise's growth since 2014 is incredible, and whether it’s $5 a week by automatic payment or a large bequest in a will, all our donors have played a part in growing endowments to $10 million. In addition to growing endowments, eight new funds have been established with Sunrise over the past 12 months, with more to be launched soon.
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