Stroke Foundation New Zealand (Tairāwhiti)

Stroke Foundation NZ (Tairāwhiti) assists stroke survivors, their families, whanau, friends and carers throughout their stroke journey.

Stroke Foundation New Zealand (Tairāwhiti) assist stroke survivors, their families, whanau, friends and carers throughout their stroke journey with free programmes and professional care. They believe the survivor's circle of support is core to their recovery.

Stroke Foundation New Zealand (Tairāwhitiprovide rehabilitation, social support programmes and information for stroke survivors throughout the region. They understand that having a stroke can be overwhelming for those affected, but support them to carry on to lead as normal a life as possible afterwards.

Know the signs of stroke: 

Think FAST. 

Face drooping 

Arm weakness 

Speech difficulty 

Time to call 111 

Grants from this fund help Stroke Foundation New Zealand (Tairāwhitiprovide programmes and assistance to the stroke community, working closely with the healthcare community to ensure stroke survivors are receiving the professional care they need.

Donate to this fund

Use our donation form to make an instant donation by credit card - there are options to do this as a one off, weekly or monthly amount.

If you would rather pay by direct bank deposit, or a regular bank automatic payment, please go the to the donate now page for instructions.