Helping the most needy

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Originally published: Feb 22, 2018 (for current news please go to our stories page)

Our annual funding round offers local charities and organisations the opportunity to apply for grants from our General Fund.

Since we launched three years ago we have awarded 59 grants from the General Fund to worthy causes across the arts, community, education, environment, health and sports communities in the Gisborne District. 

The stronger the General Fund the more we can support those with immediate needs – the most needy right now – whoever they may be and whenever their need arises. Whether that’s this year, in 20 years, 100 years or more from now. 

The General Fund will adapt to meet our communities needs as they change. It’s hard to imagine what those needs will be in the future and they will change drastically over time. When you donate to the General Fund you are supporting those in need now and those in need in the future. 

Our funding round only comes around once a year. Application information and dates will be on our website early June, applications will be open for six weeks in July – August. Let us know if you’d like us to email you when applications open, we can add you to our database. 

Remember Sunrise only grants to causes in the Gisborne District. All money raised here, stays here.

Donate now to the General Fund.

Read more about Sunrise grant recipients.

Read more about the General Fund