Coates Associates is the latest Gisborne business to join Sunrise’s workplace giving programme.
Coates Associates partner Robyn Tomlinson says that they regularly support a wide range of worthy causes. “But what particularly appealed to us about Sunrise’s workplace giving are the long term benefits for the region and the simplicity of the scheme for both employer and employee.”
She says Sunrise’s endowment model (funds are invested for the long term) and local focus (all money raised here, stays here) meant workplace giving was an easy decision for them. “It was very simple to set up the programme through our payroll software so that anyone employed at Coates can make a regular donation.”
Glenda Stokes, Sunrise executive officer, says that workplace giving is not only an easy way for anyone to donate, it also has the added bonus of an immediate tax benefit. “If you donate $7.50, the government pays $2.50 of that, meaning only $5 is deducted from your pay packet,” she says.
“Sunrise workplace giving is a powerful way for our community to support itself and build a strong legacy for the future. If just one percent of the Gisborne district’s population donated $5 a week that would equate to over $170,000 per year. If those people gave for ten years, their donations (including income retained to protect the donations from inflation) would grow to over $2 million - all for the price of a cup of coffee a week.”
Mitchell McFarlane, Coates Associates partner, says the company are delighted to support workplace giving as they can see the potential of many people giving small amounts over time. He likes the analogy that workplace giving is like building a brick wall. The more companies that join and help their staff to give a small donation (brick) each week, the bigger and stronger the wall.
“It’s pretty impressive to think that as more people get involved, our small community can make big steps to help future generations.”
Born and raised in Gisborne, he says that now he has his own family, “it’s even more important to me that we look after our place for our children and their children’s children.”
The team at Coates Associates were already familiar with Sunrise having introduced some of their clients to giving through Sunrise.
Robyn added that they have clients with no family members to inherit their estate and no clear succession plan for when they pass away. She says that “one of the most appealing aspects is how flexible Sunrise is, “Glenda can work with donors to ensure that their wishes are adhered to once they pass away. Sunrise also sets up a named fund for donors with assets over $50,000 meaning grants from the proceeds of their estate will go out in their name indefinitely.”
Read more about Sunrise Workplace Giving