Sunrise Foundation has been connecting generous people with causes that matter in the Gisborne-Tairāwhiti region since 2014. In the last 10 years we have granted over $1.8 million to more than 160 different worthy causes.

A feasibility study was undergone in 2013 to determine the appetite for an endowment fund to support the Gisborne-Tairāwhiti community. From this a steering committee was formed and this group became the founding trustees of Sunrise Foundation.  

Launching a community foundation demanded significant time, resources and passion. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the original funding supporters, trustees and staff for their generous contributions. 

The intention of Sunrise is to enable people to donate to their favourite local causes or contribute to a general fund, inspiring and facilitating giving for a thriving Tairāwhiti now and for future generations to come. 

The difference between Sunrise and other charities are that all donations are invested forever, and we grant annually with the investment income, with a small amount withheld to keep pace with inflation. This is called an endowment fund. However, we prefer to call it ‘the pot of money’ that will remain intact forever and will continue to grow and support causes in our local region. Donating through Sunrise is the gift that keeps on giving, supporting our community now and in years to come. 

Since 2014, we have made substantial progress towards supporting our community now and in the future by inspiring and enabling our region’s generosity. Our focus is on growing our endowment fund to provide more grants to voluntary groups and charities that make a significant difference to the well-being of the local community. Every gift, however large or small, contributes to our story and the impact we have today, tomorrow, and for generations to come. 

Sunrise Foundation is under the umbrella of Community Foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand (CFANZ). Whilst we are under their umbrella, we operate autonomously. We are proud to be one of 18 Community Foundations across Aotearoa New Zealand, dedicated to growing funds and long-term community impact.