Words from Glenda

After a turbulent and extremely challenging 2023, we are hoping for a much more settled 2024. Later this year we’re looking forward to celebrating our 10th birthday and have some exciting things planned – watch this space! We’ve achieved so much over the past 10 years, having gifted more than $1.3 million to the community, all thanks to the generosity of donors. Almost 130 different community groups or organisations with a charitable purpose have received grants from us since 2014 and we look forward to supporting many more worthy causes.

Tauawhi Men’s Centre have joined our Sunrise whanau, seeding an endowment fund with us and becoming our 51st special interest fund. We are delighted to partner with Tauawhi who provide a wonderful service in our community, supporting men on their life journey.

Grant recipients from our last annual funding round are starting to give us feedback about how they’ve used their grants. Follow us on Facebook to be the first to hear how your donations have helped our community. Also, if you would like to receive our quarterly newsletter online, please email lynda@sunrisefoundation.org.nz and she will add you to our database. Be assured, we won’t use your email for any other purpose than emailing the newsletter.

If you’d like your charitable giving to have a bigger impact, Sunrise is the right charity for you. A donation made today is invested in perpetuity (forever) and grown for the future, ensuring we can gift grants from the investment income to your local charities forever. You can read more about the perpetual endowment model we operate on the back page of this newsletter or otherwise you can always email me – I’m happy to answer any questions. Any donation made before 31 March 2024 will qualify for an immediate 33.3% tax benefit.

Glenda Stokes


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Kath Kitchen joins Sunrise as voluntary trustee

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