Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime

E Tu Elgin committee members Wendy Millar, Lesley Smith (chair), Sharon Pihema and Hineiti Monika are looking forward to working with Elgin whanau in the many and varied courses they will offer. 

Sunrise awarded E Tu Elgin a grant of $5000 on behalf of The Tindall Foundation which will contribute towards operating costs of their planned sustainable skills courses for whanau living in Elgin.   

E Tu Elgin are a community-based support group whose committee currently live or were raised in Elgin. By teaching sustainable skills that their ancestors would have used daily E Tu Elgin hope to provide whanau with the opportunity to connect to their culture. 

Rewana bread making, bulk food cooking, weaving, baking and household financial literacy are just some of the skills they have planned for Elgin community whanau soon. 

Hineiti Monika, E Tu Elgin committee secretary says, “With the help of experts we want to provide whanau with opportunities they wouldn’t usually get. 

“We want to teach skills to last a lifetime, which can be re-taught to younger whanau, strengthening our community.” 

Hineiti says, “The old saying ‘If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime’ is what we’re all about - learning skills for a lifetime which can be shared with others.” 

E Tu Elgin is community driven, where feedback is valued by the committee to ensure courses and events they offer align with what the Elgin community wants and needs. 

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