Sunrise Snapshots

Family Works Tairāwhiti specialise in working with tamariki (children) and whanau (families) in need of their support. Their $3000 grant from Sunrise’s General fund will be used to provide anger management programmes for youth aged 12-18 years.

Ongoing support appreciated

A heartfelt thank you to Business Applications for the continued support and outstanding service you provide for us. Thanks to funders and sponsors such as yourselves, we can focus on what we love doing – granting to our community. And congratulations to The Gisborne Herald, another valued Sunrise supporter, who will celebrate their 150th birthday this year – an incredible achievement.

It's that time of year again

If you donate to one of our 51 endowment funds before 31 March 2024 you will qualify for an immediate 33.3% tax benefit. 


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Norman MacLean, supporting our creative community in perpetuity

Norman MacLean, supporting our creative community in perpetuity

20 August 2024

Before Norman passed away, he wanted to secure a way to give back to the creative community that had provided him with immense enjoyment over his lifetime.

What will your legacy be?

What will your legacy be?

20 August 2024

It’s estimated that up to 50 percent of adults in New Zealand do not have a will.
