At Sunrise we dare to dream BIG

Join us to celebrate our 10th birthday!!

Our BIG dream for Sunrise Week is to achieve 10 for 10. That’s $10 million in 10 years! We would love for you to help us achieve this dream for our community.

2024 has been an incredibly busy year. We recently launched a new website, logo and video demonstrating the many and various sides to Sunrise. And of course, there has been lots of ‘orange’ planning for our inaugural Sunrise Week from 2-8 November.

The response from our community has been fantastic. There are orange themed morning teas, mufti days and social or workplace events happening all over the city, with proceeds supporting their chosen special interest fund. To get Sunrise Week started, the first event of the week is a kiwi listening walk at Whinray Reserve, with proceeds from their event supporting the Whinray Eco Trust endowment fund with Sunrise. The town clock is event turning orange for the first half of the week!

We’ve never reached out to the community like this before, asking for help so we can then help those in our community who need us. 

So, join the fun by hosting your own event, even if it’s just coffee with friends, contact us and we’ll provide a helpful starter pack. Alternatively, if you don’t want to host an event but would like to actively support Sunrise Week and help us achieve our 10 for 10 dream that’s great too! Visit our website to donate as little as $5. Every little bit helps. 

Sunrise is a beacon of hope for the future of Tairāwhiti. 

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Kath Kitchen joins Sunrise as voluntary trustee

Kath Kitchen joins Sunrise as voluntary trustee

13 February 2025

Kath Kitchen, Sunrise's most recently elected trustee joins a dedicated team of eight trustees under the leadership of Rob Dymock.

Socks for sale!

Socks for sale!

13 February 2025

A new sock collaboration with Tairāwhiti Multicultural Council (TMC) to benefit Sunrise's General fund was launched this year. At just $5 a pair, they're a bargain!
