Vanessa Lowndes Named Fund

This fund was established by Vanessa Lowndes Turanga Trust to support individuals and families in our community with disabilities.

The Vanessa Lowndes Centre is about building confidence and preparing people with mental, physical or intellectual challenges towards the realm of independence.

Vanessa Lowndes, the woman who gave her name to the centre, was the daughter of Colin Lowndes. A successful local businessman, Mr Lowndes donated funds for the first centre at Gisborne Boys High School in 1969. Turanga Health took over the Trust in 1997.

Many Turanga Health staff choose to support this fund through Sunriseā€™s Workplace Giving scheme.

The Vanessa Lowndes fund has been invested in perpetuity (forever) and will support families and individuals in our community with disabilities.

Every year some of the investment income will be retained to ensure the fund grows in line with inflation and is protected from future market fluctuations, the balance will be granted back to Vanessa Lowndes Centre every year, forever.