Words from Glenda

This is an old article and may not contain the original images or may have out of date content.
Originally published: Aug 16, 2024 (for current news please go to our stories page)

In a few months we will celebrate our 10th birthday with our inaugural Sunrise Week, 2-8 November. Our dream (and yes, we always dream big!) is by the end of Sunrise Week to have achieved 10 for 10. $10 million in 10 years.  

We’d love you to join the Sunrise Week celebrations by registering and hosting your own orange themed event with proceeds, however big or small, going to your chosen Sunrise fund. So far, there are school mufti days, raffles, workplace morning teas, street barbeques and cocktail evenings planned, and it’s all ORANGE, ORANGE, ORANGE! Email glenda@sunrisefoundation.org.nz to register your interest and I will reply with a helpful information pack to get you started. 

Lately I have been emailing fund holders a report to inform them whether their fund has reached the minimum threshold to qualify for an annual grant. I thoroughly enjoy this process, being able to share how much funds have grown over the year. 

Our core business is to grow endowments, enabling us to support and give back to our community by way of grants. Our experienced grants committee has the difficult decision to determine which of the many worthy causes will receive a grant in our annual funding round, with applicants notified 25 September. 

There is an increasing trend towards people approaching us about leaving a gift in their will to Sunrise. We welcome those discussions with people, with no pressure or expectations attached so we can answer any questions you may have. You may gift a specified amount to a cause you care about like the late Norman MacLean, or instead, you may prefer to gift a percentage of your estate, capped at a set amount. Anything is possible! 

Glenda Stokes