Sunrise welcomes new trustee

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Originally published: May 31, 2016 (for current news please go to our stories page)

The Sunrise Foundations newest trustee, Lilian Tangaere Baldwin, is passionate about whanau, marae and hapu development and believes that the Sunrise Foundation has the potential to positively support our smaller communities up the East Coast.

Lilian said that Sunrise offers an opportunity for Ngati Porou whanau, marae, hapu, and organisations to consider becoming active contributors in making responsible charitable choices that can have an enduring impact in our own communities.

“The most compelling aspect of Sunrise is that unlike national charities all the money raised here is kept right here in Tairawhiti.  Sunrise grants are only distributed back to causes and charities in our region.  I feel that the long term potential for our whanau could be significant and this is the reason I wanted to be involved in helping Sunrise to achieve its objectives.”

Lilian is a Director on the Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou Board, represents the Board as a Director on the Toitu Ngati Porou Charitable Trust, a wealth benefit distribution entity, and is a Trustee on the Radio Ngati Porou Board. 

Lilian’s passion for the Coast and background in Administration and Project Management has seen her assisting with major marae development and special housing projects in Ngati Porou.

Lilian was born in Waipiro Bay and spent her pre-teen years growing up in Te Araroa and Tokomaru Bay.  She moved away for many years, returning home to Te Horo as an adult to build a home for her whanau and to be close to her late parents who are buried at Tawaroa.

Glenda Stokes, Executive Officer, is delighted to have someone of Lilian’s calibre and experience on the board.  “Lilian’s extensive background and knowledge within iwi and the smaller coastal communities in our region will bring a fresh insight and perspective to Sunrise.”

Lilian has also joined Sunrise’s Grants Committee which administers the granting of funds to local charities and organisations.  Glenda adds that “Lilian’s broad community focus will be invaluable in that capacity.  I’m looking forward to working closely with Lilian and the rest of the Grants Committee on our second funding round which opens shortly.”