Sunrise joins national board

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Originally published: Nov 19, 2016 (for current news please go to our stories page)

Colin Christie, Sunrise Vice Chair, has been appointed to the board of Community Foundations New Zealand (CFNZ).  CFNZ supports the fourteen community foundations in NZ with advocacy, guidance and sharing of resources.

When Colin retired from BDO Gisborne a few years ago, he had plans similar to many when they reach the golden years.  Travel, more time with family, and more time on the golf course.

He has been making the most of his post-employment years.  “Our daughters don’t live in Gisborne, and Diane and I feel lucky that we now have the time to visit them more often and to enjoy watching our four grandchildren grow up.”

The golf clubs are used regularly now.  “I can’t honestly say that my handicap has benefited from the extra time on the golf course, but I really enjoy the benefits that come with the sport - fresh air, exercise and catching up with friends.”

Colin is a founding trustee of Sunrise and as well as being the Vice Chair, he also Chairs the Investment Committee and is on the Grants Committee.  Being retired allows Colin the time to make a contribution to a cause that he believes will provide significant benefits to the local community for many years to come.

Congratulations Colin on your new appointment to CFNZ, it is great to have a representative on the national body flying the flag for Gisborne.