Gisborne Intermediate’s legacy for the future

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Originally published: Nov 7, 2017 (for current news please go to our stories page)

The Board of Trustees have established the Gisborne Intermediate School Endowment Fund at The Sunrise Foundation to create a legacy to help future leaders of the school. 

Gisborne Intermediate (GisInt) trustee, Jo Haughey, says the Sunrise endowment model was very compelling and the board were unanimous in their decision to establish the new fund. “Our school’s motto is ‘Growing Great People’. Part of that is teaching students to think about their ability to leave a legacy for our school, to leave it better than they found it. As a school and board we need to show leadership to our students and think about what we are leaving for future generations as well.” 

Fellow trustee Tracey Stuart says for many people their two years at GisInt are some of the best of their life and they want to give something back to the school in recognition of that. “Making a donation to the new endowment fund is a great way for families to give back at any level, every little bit helps, and because the funds are invested in perpetuity every donation will keep supporting the school forever.” 

GisInt Principal Glen Udall says the school is committed to delivering a broadly balanced holistic programme to grow students into well rounded people.  We have a clear focus on ensuring all students learn and achieve to the highest possible level in the core areas of literacy and numeracy. We also offer tech, which is unique to intermediate schools, and numerous opportunities for students to experience sporting, cultural and arts opportunities, and activities outside the classroom, such as school camp and Action Week. 

“We do several mufti days a year fundraising to help a variety of needy causes in Gisborne. One of those mufti days will now be for the new endowment fund, engaging our students in helping to fundraise for their own school. Encouraging philanthropy across a range of causes teaches them to give back to the community and the new mufti day will reinforce our message to care for our school and leave it better than they found it.” 

Stu Barclay is a trustee and teacher at GisInt and sees first hand the financial challenges the board faces and also the financial pressure that many families at the school are under. “We strive to have a school environment which is inclusive for all students. Many families are struggling and we try not to make finance a barrier to those students participating.”   

Glenda Stokes, Sunrise Executive Officer is impressed with the long term view the GisInt board has taken in setting up their endowment fund at Sunrise. “I appreciate how hard it is financially to run the school day to day. For the leaders of GisInt to set up a fund to help others do so in the future shows a real commitment to the long term well-being of their school.” 

Glenda added that the team at GisInt have a real commitment to growing their fund through mufti days, workplace giving and donations. “GisInt has a vibrant culture, which is evident even as a visitor to the school. Their positivity and passion will see the new fund do well and guarantee a reliable source of income for the school, which will only become more significant over time as the fund grows. We’re delighted to do all we can to help boost their fundraising efforts.”  

All donations to the Gisborne Intermediate School Endowment Fund will be invested, protected and grown to keep up with inflation. The surplus investment income will be returned to Gisborne Intermediate School each year. 

Read more about the Gisborne Intermediate School Endowment Fund.

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