Extra grants for Covid recovery

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Originally published: Nov 14, 2020 (for current news please go to our stories page)

A generous local donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, has donated $25,000 to Sunrise to grant to organisations helping with the local response to the Covid crisis.

Our community rallied around to support those affected by hardship arising from lockdown. We usually grant at the end of November but this year distributed grants on 5 August so we could help those helping those in need. We were inundated with applications, four times more than we had to give.

One of our regular supporters saw our last newsletter and got in touch to see how they could help, offering $25,000 as a pass through donation for us to give to organisations helping with Covid relief.

The organisations that received assistance were the Amber Foundation, Oasis Community Shelter,
Life Education Trust, Mangapapa Union Church Foodbank and Mates of Tairawhiti.