

There is a board of up to nine trustees who govern Sunrise with a robust governance and succession model.

Certain tasks are allocated to support committees such as the Investments Committee and Grants Committee. These committees include both trustees and local expert volunteers.

Sunrise operates on a transparent basis, with full information available to donors and the local community. 

Trustees are always available to answer questions and provide support and advice.

The trustees are a group of respected and trusted individuals from within the local community who are appointed as follows:

  • One by the Mayor of the Gisborne District Council
  • One by the President of the Gisborne Branch of the NZ Law Society
  • One by the President of the Gisborne Chamber of Commerce
  • One by the Chairman of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou
  • One by the Chairman of Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa
  • Four by the Board, one to be a chartered accountant domiciled in the Gisborne region

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